Welcome! My name is James Hamilton and I am the founder and creator of Wildlife Pictures Studio (http://www.wildlifepicturesstudio.com/). My interests in photography began with a ninja turtle camera taking photos of bugs and lizards followed by moving up to more focused photography in college by adding birds, flowers, sunsets/sunrises, spiders and venturing through swamps to seek out and show everyone the best of what wildlife in Southwest Florida has to offer. All the while, still doing those bugs and lizards. I don’t believe in the saying, “here today, gone tomorrow” because when you take a photo it holds the power of timeless existence. Capturing a specific photograph means for me conveying to others what I have seen through my eyes. No one has a hold on time or space; therefore, passing moments on through photographic images is how I share the many unique moments in nature that I come across. My photography is about connecting the emotions of what occurs in the natural world before me through light, color, texture and to communicate that to others that weren't there.
Here are just a few samples of things to come...
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